Rabu, 15 Juni 2016

Biography of Surya Anugrah

He is not businessman, he is also not a famous people, but he is inspiring me. He is my partner, my friend, my brother, Surya Anugrah. He was born on April 23 1993. The second child of three brothers studied at Amikom Yogyakarta. The achievement that he got when at collage was won the best drama and best cinematography competition of Multimedia course. Love of photography makes his morning life into the night. According to him the night is the perfect time to do editing photos.

Behind the Scene 
Before entering the photography’s world, he had a dream become a drummer. Unfortunately, he couldn’t continue his dream because he had a problem with his hearing. When at the collages, he interested in photography and decided to take a photography class at Ignite School & Photography Yogyakarta. He is not active at course but he is active in photography community named Potrait. After he takes a photography class at Ignite his experience about photography increased, so he often becomes a speaker. Some of his art has been exhibited and received big applause from many people, which is quite well known Mr. Kristupa a founder of Fotografer.net.

Behind the Scene 
With knowledge about photography that he had now, he work at outdoor garden product company named Satu Bumi as the official photographer. He also became Head of Photographer at Ignite Studio for a year. Unexpectedly, that jobs could earn enough especially for student. Although he hasn’t graduated but he has proved about in the real work actually skill is more important than degree. Ambition and totality in photography make he wants to work at Thirdeye. Thirdeye is the Commercially Creative Space Company in Jakarta belongs to Anton Ismail.

Behind the Scene

I have a dream to be makeup artist and entrepreneur and he often tell me about don’t ever stop learn, run your passion because if you like what you doing you will enjoy your activity. Ambition and totality are something that should we hold for the successful life. Have a skill at this era more important than just have degree. So, we should combine both for get a better life that we dream.

some of his masterpiece

Selasa, 14 Juni 2016

Cowongan Culture Revival to The Surface

Culture is something that must be continued by us as a continuer culture. Cowongan is one of the typical of Banyumas culture. Culture of Java is already familiar, especially in the area of Banyumas. Cowongan is a ritual to make a rain when dry season. Cowongan comes from Javanese language that is batok sing di cowang coweng means an empty coconut shell that in doodles. Cowongan appeared nobody know when it happened, according to Mr. Titut Edi P the first Cowongan appeared since coconut trees there. Mr. Titut Edi P is an artist form Pangebatan, Karanglewas Banyumas, who managed to revive the Cowongan culture.         

Cowongan not only a ritual but a work of art and culture, said Mr. Titut. In 2006 Mr. Titut introduced to the public about Cowongan to the Banyumas society with the art performances. If you want to discuss the authenticity of a Cowongan itself, it just a doll coconut shell that is complete with the original formula magic of ancestors. Actually Cowongan’s ritual was done alone and should not be viewed by others. To introduce the public Mr.Titut and his wife collaborate made an art perform.

His wife is a graduate of Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta who majored in dance and she has created dances for the performing Cowongan’s art. Each dance has own philosophy, Mr.Titut also deliver the message in his performance. In each of the performing Cowongan’s art Mr.Titut bring music instruments, Cowongan’s doll, properties like offering to make a totally perform. Mr.Titut hope with this Cowongan’s art shows, this culture can continue by generation to generation, especially Banyumas society.

we are at Mr. Titut's house